Monday, February 11, 2013

Want to Know if Your Lying Mate is Cheating On You?

How to Get Your Lying Mate to Confess Without an Argument

If you suspect that your mate has been lying to you, it’s time to do something about it.
So you're suspicious about your partner, you've got this nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach that your partner may be cheating on you, or maybe lying to you about some other important matter, and you are desperate to know the truth.... but are you like most others in this situation, making the same big mistake and screwing up your chances to know the truth, by confronting your mate with your emotions running hot, and no real proof? 

Or, maybe you're the type of person who is afraid to face the truth and would rather go on with life and suffer the injustice and humiliation of being cheated on, or lied to by your loved one.

Here are the best ways to find out if the person you trusted with all your heart has been pulling the wool over your eyes! Catch your lying mate by following the tips mentioned below:

    1. Make them feel safe:
First and foremost do not confront your mate with your suspicions while your emotions are running hot, and especially if you do not have any real proof that they are cheating, or have been lying to you about something.
Because without any real proof to tie your spouse down, all you will end up achieving is to have alerted them about your suspicions. And the result of that is, they will end up covering their tracks better and concoct better excuses and alibis...
You might just be wrong! if your first reaction is to start accusing or confronting them you will end up ruining your relationship with your suspicious mind.
If you are willing to forgive and forget, and want to save the relationship, then stay calm, use tact and try to have a heart to heart talk with your mate and get him/her to open-up and confess.

2. Bring their guard down:
Don’t make them feel like there will be serious consequences or repercussions if they confess the truth to you. So, don’t interrogate, and don’t threaten them. You could pretend that you have some information and proof that your mate has lied to you and you are willing to produce it if necessary, but be careful that your mate does not suspect that you are trying to catch him/her. Be cordial, remember you are trying to get them drop their guard and open up to you.
A sure way to find out if they are lying is to ask them to clear up a certain doubt you have. If he/she is lying, then most probably they will stammer, stutter and mumble a response. Their sentences will be full of nonsensical words like uhmmm, "er. ah, etc" that will show that he/she is buying time and trying to find a plausible excuse.

3. Thank them for the truth:
If your mate finally opens up to you and confesses that they have been unfaithful, or have been lying to you, be sure to thank them for their honesty. If they assure you that this is the end of their cheating or lying, and you accept their apology, then Forgive and forget, or seek professional counseling if necessary, if you both want to salvage the relationship.
A lying mate can easily break your heart if the problem is not nipped in the bud. If the lies have destroyed all hopes of going on together, then it is better to end the relationship and move on to a new beginning with a trustworthy partner!
A lying mate will not maintain eye contact with you as there is no way he/she will look you in the eye, knowing that he/she is cheating on you.

The best possible way to catch your cheating spouse is to keep a record of names, places and dates your mate has said he/she was out on business, lunch, trips, etc. You could check with these names and find out if it were really true.